Elevate Security Among the First to Partner with Defending Digital Campaigns to Help Federal Campaigns Reduce Cybersecurity Risk and Empower Employees and Volunteers
Last week, we announced that we will be among the first to partner with Defending Digital Campaigns (DDC) to help federal campaigns reduce cybersecurity risk and improve employee and volunteer cybersecurity behaviors.
We feel strongly that powering positive security culture within our nation’s campaigns is critical to keeping our country and economy thriving. Earlier this year, the Federal Election Commission approved, for the first time, the ability for a nonprofit to work with eligible vendors to provide cybersecurity services to campaigns and/or committees at little to no cost. DDC, a nonprofit C4, nonpartisan and non-aligned organization providing access to cybersecurity products, services and information regardless of party affiliation, was established out of this ruling. Elevate Security is proud to help DDC launch this important initiative.
“Elevate Security’s contribution provides great value to improving campaign professionals’ cybersecurity behaviors and the security posture of the campaign ecosystem overall,” said Michael Kaiser, President and CEO, DDC.
95 percent of cybersecurity incidents are caused by human error. It is mission critical for campaigns to engage every employee and volunteer in the fight against cyber threats. Campaign professionals are overloaded and have little time to think about anything other than campaigning. We respect employees’ time and intelligence, and give them the right tools to defend themselves and the campaigns they are deeply committed to. For more information about Defending Digital Campaigns and their corporate partners: https://www.defendcampaigns.org/partners