Protecting the Human Attack Surface
Security teams deploy a multitude of technologies to protect their attack surfaces (web, network, end-points, cloud apps etc.) but what about the human attack surface? How do they protect it?
90% of all data breaches result from a human error and yet enterprises don't have a system in place to protect the human attack surface.
Elevate Security integrates with all of your existing security technologies and HR systems to create a quantitative view into the frequency and impact of the security decisions your employees make - we call this Security Reputation Score which can be aggregated at the departmental / functional / business unit level.
The Security Reputation Scores and heat maps provide additional detail into specific factors that represent this elevated risk level. Security teams can choose specific remediation techniques including tailoring security controls or turning on additional monitoring, essentially putting a bubble around the risky employees.
Using these aggregate views Security Teams can quickly spot departments that represent elevated levels of risk and hence a weakly protected human attack surface.
Elevate Security can also be used to target the riskiest employees with specific communication to improve their Security Reputation Scores in turn strengthening the human attack surface.
Benefit / Impact
CISOs get a unique advantage from gaining visibility into the human attack surface and being able to protect and strengthen the attack surface.
Putting the top 10% of the riskiest employees into a bubble, immediately protects the organization without having to lock the entire employee population down.