Presented by Robert Fly, CEO and Co-Founder, Elevate Security &
Austin Zide, Sr. Product Manager, CrowdStrike
The rise of remote work caused security teams to scramble on how they secured their organizations. Overnight strategies shifted and evolved. But did they go far enough?
Adversaries, in response to work from anywhere, have evolved quickly on who and how they attack organizations. Employees have now become the primary attack vector, but security technologies are still focused on protecting devices, networks and applications.
In this webinar, we’ll explore the evolving role of security teams in safeguarding employees and data in the era of work from anywhere. Studies show that 8% of users cause 80% of incidents – we’ll deep dive on how adversaries are pivoting their attacks, who they’re attacking, who is at the most risk, and how organizations can respond in protecting their sensitive data.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deep dive into the future of security.
Location: Webinar
Date and Time: 1PM EST // 10 AM PST – Wednesday, September 13, 2023