Predict and Prevent
Account Compromise
More than 80% of breaches tied to hacking involve the use of lost or stolen credentials or brute force. Corporate firewalls don’t protect the enterprise anymore. Identity is the new perimeter, so any account compromise has major consequences. Estimates are that 11B+ accounts have been breached.
The account compromise kill chain follows some typical steps: Recon, when the account is targeted; Delivery, when the hacker selects an attack method; and Exploit, when the victim falls for the attack. Any cyber defense needs to address all three steps.
Elevate Security Platform guards against Account Compromise with 5 key functions:
We build individual risk profiles of every user in your extended enterprise and their likelihood to fall for an account compromise attack.
Employee Feedback & Executive Communication
Automated notifications warn your riskiest, targeted users to be on the lookout for phishing or malware attacks so they stay on their toes.
Control Orchestration
We automate the workflow of creating risk-appropriate profiles for targeted individuals. Controls can be tightened or loosened by Elevate pushing updates to email, web gateways or endpoints as needed.
Decision Support
The Incident Response team, Helpdesk, and security analysts receive insights into human risk to make educated and defensible decisions.
Continuous Improvement
You can re-evaluate your account compromise risk posture continuously, tracking the effectiveness of your tool and technology investments.
Benefit / Impact
The Elevate Security Platform delivers visibility and control over your attack surface using data you already collect to shine a light on your biggest risks. The security team understands who in your organization is most likely to fall for a ransomware attack. We help you to disrupt the likelihood of account compromise success, keep all necessary controls up to date automatically, and actively manage your security posture over time. You can protect your risky, targeted employees... while relaxing restrictions around the rest.